May 08, 2006


wieght : 138

AM : Working at desk
PM : Filing standing up
Groupe fitness classes : 280 + 188 + 170 calories

1) 1 egg + 2 egg whites, green beans, coffee

2) 1 oz peanuts, 1 orange, coffee

3) Lasagne Alfredo wiht broccoli (330 cals), ½ cup cut green beans, apple, coffee
4) instant Oatmeal (160 cal)
5) 2 slices rye bread, 2 oz roast beef, 2 oz orange juice,
2 Group fitness classes
6) 4 oz orange juice, ½ oz Quinoa Rings
7) ½ oz Quinoa Rings, 2 strawberries, 1½ cup cottage cheese, 1 cup bean sprouts and other veggies.

and Greg makes me think I really have to get on the roll to dieting again.. maybe that will help me not to binge! but Steve (BFG) tells me he'll give me a diet and training program on thursday.. ouch.. I can try a diet.. but my training will have to go with what my (not personal) trainer Steve (Lussier) gives me as a new program .. on Friday! or else it will be "program overload, does not compute, does not compute."


Antonio said...

Where are you getting this diet from? Have you tried the prune and grapefruit diet? It will make you loose/lose fast. You can eat as much as you like. I don't recommend it. My flowers are starting to bloom. The hummingbirds have arrived too. You should see my garden.

Marykaa said...

hi greg!
actually, I'm not yet really on a diet.. I'm still trying to controll my binging..

humm.. prunes and grapefruit... I don't know.. I train real hard, both cardio and weights.. (se my fitness logs or the calories I burn on some days doing sports). those days I HAVE to eat.. besides.. I'm really at the leaning down stage.. the last 10 pounds.. and those pounds are much harder to loose..

I noticed a while ago that the high protien diet (like South Beach Diet) works best for me.. but because of emotional binging.. I couldn't maintain what I had lost.. :(


I was going to spend the day in the garden.. but spent it with my son instead.. so it will be some other day.

we only have humming birds once in a while.. but there are more in Québec than 20-30 years ago.. so there is still hope. reminds me I have to hurry to put the feeders back up! hope I'm not too late!