August 23, 2006

Day 5

lots of things are not going well .. lots on my mind.. tomorrow very important day at work.. things going on with my son.. hope things will go well for him..

But Day 5 is Day 5, at least that's that! :-)

August 21, 2006

Day 3

coming home from the gym.. have 1 egg + 2 egg whites + 1 tomato.. this is the type of supper I'd need to eat every day!

8:45 pm..
1 tbsp peanut butter..
1 esspresso coffee

my stomach aches.. but is it from what I ate, drank or did at the gym? *sigh*

I'll edit later if I eat more..

August 19, 2006

Day 1

yesterday was bad.. supper at my brother's place with my son and his financée..

So I'm back at Day 1 today.

August 17, 2006

Day 2

But I still don't know of what... but I have started something..

August 16, 2006

Day 1

ok.. I've started..

what? well that we'll have to see..

August 10, 2006

Time to start again

ok.. summer vacations are over.. time to start again..

start what? that's what I have to decide.