September 30, 2009
Pixelized Generation
Depuis l'arrivée de la photo numérique il n'y a plus de limites au nombres de photos prises.. et les photos prises de téléphones cellulaires sont encore plus nombreuses. Mais l'engouement va plus loin.
September 13, 2009
oups.. I wrote the first part of this elsewhere but it's not published yet. "Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval. "
well, according to "BIG" trainers I'm one of the dummies who did P90X all the way, finished it last july. I started P90XPLUS last monday. I'v done other programs.. NROL is excellent, but there's no agility, mobility, felxability, aerobics.. so I did yoga and TaeBoxe at the gym when I could fit it in.
One thing I DO agree on is the Advertising. almost made me NOT discover this program. Don't get me wrong, I WILL be back to regular weight lifting and I'm also planning on getting into Crossfit some day.. but life is long.. I have time.
I got to P90X by watching an infomertial on it.. and usually when I watch one of those.. I have fun counting the seconds it takes me to decide that the program or equipement is dumb. But P90X looked like something I'd want to do.
I don't find other programms helping me with mobility, balance, agility, jumping from rock to rock on hikes etc. ok the nutrition program is not for me, I'd gain weight on it. anyways, one thing I'm sure.. and this is from over 30 years of working with "newbies" in different sports, P90X does not give the variations that newbies need to adapt the program to their level. They'd definately get discouraged or hurt.
I don't think that an hour a day is such "high volume" for someone who's been training all their life, but for a newbie, even if there is weights training just 3 times a week, the whole program IS alot. *I think that Stretching is an important part and not to be replaced by "rest" .
So "big" trainers saying this is a program for beginners is just BAD.
sorry if my rambling isn't very structured.. I don't think it's worth your time to read ALL that I think but I'm sure that you get the idea.
well, according to "BIG" trainers I'm one of the dummies who did P90X all the way, finished it last july. I started P90XPLUS last monday. I'v done other programs.. NROL is excellent, but there's no agility, mobility, felxability, aerobics.. so I did yoga and TaeBoxe at the gym when I could fit it in.
One thing I DO agree on is the Advertising. almost made me NOT discover this program. Don't get me wrong, I WILL be back to regular weight lifting and I'm also planning on getting into Crossfit some day.. but life is long.. I have time.
I got to P90X by watching an infomertial on it.. and usually when I watch one of those.. I have fun counting the seconds it takes me to decide that the program or equipement is dumb. But P90X looked like something I'd want to do.
I don't find other programms helping me with mobility, balance, agility, jumping from rock to rock on hikes etc. ok the nutrition program is not for me, I'd gain weight on it. anyways, one thing I'm sure.. and this is from over 30 years of working with "newbies" in different sports, P90X does not give the variations that newbies need to adapt the program to their level. They'd definately get discouraged or hurt.
I don't think that an hour a day is such "high volume" for someone who's been training all their life, but for a newbie, even if there is weights training just 3 times a week, the whole program IS alot. *I think that Stretching is an important part and not to be replaced by "rest" .
So "big" trainers saying this is a program for beginners is just BAD.
sorry if my rambling isn't very structured.. I don't think it's worth your time to read ALL that I think but I'm sure that you get the idea.